Headache Medicine 2020, 11(1):25-26 ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2020.7
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2020
Peripheral projections of the trigeminovascular system as
antimigraine target
Projeções periféricas do sistema trigeminovascular como alvo anti-enxaqueca
Alejandro Labastida-Ramírez Antoinette Maassen Van Den Brink
Erasmus MC, Division of Vascular Medicine and Pharmacology, Rotterdam, Zuid Holland, Holland.
Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a key neuropeptide, highly expressed in the
central and peripheral trigeminovascular system, involved in craniofacial nociceptive modu-
In migraine patients, CGRP infusion generates migraine-like headaches
, and during
spontaneous attacks this peptide is released in the extracerebral circulation
. The treatment
of choice currently available for terminating migraine attacks are the triptans, 5-HT1B/1D
receptor agonists, of which some also display afnity for the 5-HT1F receptor.
These drugs
have the ability to decrease elevated CGRP levels by inhibiting further release from trige-
minal perivascular afferents and consequently decrease nociceptive transmission from the
periphery to the central nervous system.
However, due to their coronary vasoconstrictor
potential, they are contraindicated in patients with cardiovascular diseases. This concern
has resulted in the development of novel drugs devoid of vascular side-effects, such as mo-
noclonal antibodies targeting CGRP or its receptor. Moreover, these drugs have shown that
migraine attacks can be prevented exclusively via peripheral blockade of CGRP. This thesis
focused on the pharmacological modulation of the peripheral CGRPergic projections of the
trigeminovascular system.
We investigated in rodents the modulation of trigeminal CGRP release by lasmiditan, a
highly selective 5-HT1F receptor agonist (ditan), and comparatively studied sumatriptan.
CGRP release was diminished similarly by both drugs in all the trigeminovascular system
components (dura mater, trigeminal ganglion and trigeminal nucleus caudalis) ex vivo. In
vivo, lasmiditan or higher doses of sumatriptan signicantly attenuated endogenous CGRP
release, but not exogenous CGRP effects. These ndings suggest that selective 5HT1F receptor
activation (by lasmiditan) is sufcient to presynaptically inhibit CGRP release in peripheral
and central trigeminal nerve terminals, and, consequently, attenuate nociceptive transmission
in the trigeminovascular system.
Since activation of 5HT1F receptors is not associated with
coronary vasoconstriction, lasmiditan may represent a cardiovascular safety advantage over
the vasoactive triptans.
In addition to the trigeminovascular CGRP release inhibition by lasmiditan, further (anti-
migraine) mechanisms of action described with previous 5HT1F receptor agonists include
modulation of glutamate release from sensory bers.
The co-localization of 5HT1F receptors
and glutamate in the vestibular nuclei of rats, suggests that the 5HT1F receptor might also
modulate glutamate release in CNS structures.
Moreover, since glutamate receptor anta-
gonism prevents the initiation of cortical spreading depressions (CSDs), a key pathogenic
event in migraine with aura, 5-HT1F receptor agonism could attenuate CSDs via a central
inhibition of glutamate. Therefore, after taking into account these additional mechanisms,
future experiments are needed to determine whether lasmiditan can: (I) inhibit glutamatergic
neurons in the central nervous system, or (II) attenuate CSDs initiation and its associated
hyperaemia; and if all or none of these mechanisms are associated with ts clinical antimi-
graine efcacy.
Alejandro Labastida-Ramírez
Received: March 6, 2020.
Accepted: March 11, 2020.
Edited by
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres